Anyway, WARNING: you are about to see some ugly nails – with no clean up:

Three coats of Rimmel 285 Style Hunter. Not the most attractive nail polish in my collection – it’s matt, and the colour reminds me of 1980’s Tupperwear.
I feel that I’ll be konading tonight.
I’ve been working on my sewing – actually putting more effort into planning what to sew than actually sewing. Polyvore is my friend:
This is a very rough guide – so what I’ll end up with will be different of course I'm just concerned with colours and items atm. For instance it is winter here for about three weeks in the year and I have no need for that many jackets – but if I make them short sleeved and unlined etc then I can wear them over a cami.
Almost every top I wear I have to put a cami underneath anyway - because my huge boobs make everything look obscene. Why do plus size designers design tops with necklines that are so low???