Friday, July 16, 2010


This is my haul from over the holidays:

nail haul

My theme was 'bright!' I think I nailed it. I'll give myself a B+ because a few dark colours crept in :)

Rimmel - 050 - Tangerine Queen

nails in action

I wore this polish for over a week, with only one finger chipping. I did give it a second topcoat though halfway through. I was really impressed and it got a bit of attention. It was a three coater.

For the last few days I gave it a race car checkered french from the bundle monster in silver; and then went to watch the V8 car racing. The team I support didn't win but at least my nails matched their cars!

A lesson I learnt is not to trust my husband to take photographs of my nails...

Another lesson I learnt is that life is too short to not own pretty nail polish. So since I have been back have 'invested' in some lemmings...


  1. Fabulous hauling! I have been eyeing off that green Rimmel for a while but just can't justify it because I have so many greens that are pretty much the same. Lol.

    Glad to see you back and blogging.


  2. I haven't tried it on myself but gave my cousin's son a mani with it. It looked great lol.
