So, yesterday the nail on my little finger snapped off (just a little bit) while I was doing some heavy lifting (a book). So to hide it I french tipped the Speed Dating. See you can't even tell in the photo!
nail - Rimmel 331 Speed Dating
tip - Revlon 799 Plum Night
It looks black in real life and in the photo, but it's not. It's plum. I painted my mum's nails this on the Easter holidays and everyone thought it was black - like she had suddenly gone goth on them. It is a lovely dark plum that's for sure.
I really suck at french tips - I can always tell that I'm hopeless, but really no one gets up close enough to tell so phft. I will get that Konad french nail plate though,,, eventually.
Fruit Tingle cocktail for the Digital Three does Cocktails
Today's nails are something pretty extra. In fact I wouldn't be surprised
to see these nails appearing on the "That's It, I'm nail Shaming" facebook
4 years ago
I hear you! I suck big time at free hand french. Yours was a pretty good effort. I have the french plate. Its fabulous. Also means I can use full nail designs when my nails are just that little bit too long.
I didn't think about using the french plate for that!